Start your own business! Get into the emerging bin cleaning industry today!
All you need is an AquaBac bin cleaning trailer! Easily operable from home, be your own boss!
Bin cleaning trailer AqBac2
16 feet trailer, 10 000 pounds capacity fully galvanized with spare tire.
60-inch walls full aluminum
3 lockable doors full aluminum
Industrial hot water pressure washer, 3000 psi / 8 gpm. 800 000 BTU diesel heater with Honda GX690 (25.5 HP) and General pump.
Two 370 Gallon tanks. (1 clean water and one grey water)
Metal filter with spare filter
Uniquely conceived hopper with 3 levels of filtration to easily dispose of wastewater. Exclusive to AquaBac.
Two fully electric reels with 100 feet and 50 feet of hoses (36- and 48-inches gun included). Exclusive to AquaBac.
Hydraulic dual bin grabber mechanically driven by the Honda GX690. No need for a generator and other electric and weather vulnerable parts. Exclusive to AquaBac.
2.5HP Gas pump with 50 feet of hoses to dispose of grey water
Every valve and connectors in full stainless steel.
Two hydromechanical full stainless steel cleaning heads, best on the market.